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Top 12 Home Remedy Treatments for Dry Skin

Did you know that your home is a mini-pharmacy? Well, many ingredients you find at home can be used to effectively treat any health condition you suffer from, including dry skin. Read on to learn more about these ingredients.

1. Cornstarch is not only used for thickening gravy, but also helps ease dry and itchy skin. All it takes for relief is a handful sprinkled into your bathtub before taking a soak.

2. Massaging a handful of salt into wet skin after a shower or bath removes dry skin and makes your skin smooth.

3. Baking soda helps provide relief from itching. Try mixing 4 tablespoons of it in a quart of water for a sponge bath or add a cup to a tub of hot water to soak in for 30 minutes and air dry.

4. Applying vinegar to washed and thoroughly dried hands is a great remedy for chapped hands. For better results, wear a pair of soft gloves and leave overnight.

5. While coating yourself with vegetable oil may leave you feeling like a French fry, it is great for your skin. Any oil from vegetables provides dry skin relief.

6. As oats are packed with vitamin E, they are vital for healthy skin. So adding instant oatmeal to your bath or rubbing your dried hands with oatmeal instead of soap helps soothe your dry skin.

7. It is better if you wear vinyl gloves whenever you clean the bathroom, wash dishes or dust furniture to protect your hands from chapping, chaffing and harsh chemicals.

8. As dry atmosphere can lead to dry skin, slowly boiling water can raise your house’s humidity.

9. Besides these home remedy treatments for dry skin, there are a few important lifestyle points you need to bear in mind and implement because of your dry skin. For example, you need to take more of lukewarm or cool showers and not hot showers. Though you may love lounging in hot steam, hot water extracts your skin’s valuable oils and thus dries out your skin.

10. While you may prefer using pretty, perfume-filled soaps while showing, they may leave your skin screaming for moisture. It’s better using soaps with fat or oil in them like Dove and if you can choose, liquid soaps are milder and better than bar soaps.

11. The best way to retain whatever moisture you have on your skin is by slathering moisture on your dry skin when your skin is still damp. So don’t completely dry yourself after a shower; instead, just get rid of sufficient water to prevent your leaving a wet trail to the sink and then spread your lotion when the droplets are still there, clinging to your skin to help seal in the moisture.

12. You can do lots for your skin by avoiding alcohol you drink and use for cleanses. Too much of alcohol consumption can lead to your body soaking up water from the skin. So just drink 2 ounces of alcohol a day for healthy skin.

All it takes are these 12 home remedy treatments for freedom from dry skin and skin which can easily take on the worst in the environment!